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HEARING FROM GOD.Do you hear from God? Jesus says you should. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Joh 10:27 There are many ways God can speak.Click Links for video. 1/ Hearing From God, Intro. Are you hearing from God. If you are born again you should be. Here are
the different ways God speaks and some of the things that block His
voice. 2/ Hearing From God, The Word. Jesus is the Word made flesh. If we want to hear from Him the best place to start is His Word.
3/ Hearing, Still Small Voice. God speaks with a still small voice. We need to know and understand this otherwise we are missing so much of His counsel, direction and guidance and much more for our life.
4/Hearing, Dreams, Visions, Pictures. God will speak using Dreams, open visions and pictures. Although some
may have clear meaning He will give many in the form of parables and
need interpretation. Which brings us to rely on Him for that. Exactly
where He wants us. So don't ignore the visions of the night. They may be
very important to you.